What We Do

Are you interested in building your brand in the esports industry? We can help.
As esports consultants we will deploy the best creative strategies in an extremely fast-evolving market, finding new opportunities and overriding any incoming obstacles.

Beyond just creating Public Relations and Brand Awareness, we aim to create a strong content strategy in an extremely fast-evolving market, finding new opportunities and overriding any incoming obstacle.
All of which will drive Traffic, increase Sales, and build Brand Loyalty.

We find, contact, and build relationships with the best new and upcoming stars in the esports scene.
These eAthletes are then associated with your brand.

Social Media
We are experts in the social media space, with a proven record of building a loyal audience and fan-base.
Are you already an esports sponsor? Then we can supercharge it by helping you activate the sponsorship to the fullest capacity.

Event Planning
EMC plan and organize esports events on a global scale in a multitude of games, with Concierge Services for sponsors and talents.
Our events are then broadcast to your audience via various online platforms.

With a worldwide audience, we broadcast our live events on streaming platforms with top class layover graphics and placements.
EMC also guarantee bringing your the best commentators into the studio for the enjoyment of the audience.